SafeGuard Consultancy Services
SafeGuard Consultancy Services
The consultancy services listed below reflect not only our capabilities, but those in which we have extensive experience and a proven track record of success. Select from the list to scroll down to further information:
- Major Projects
- New Build or Refurbishment
- Security Audit
- Guidance for new security products
- Valuations and Acquisitions
- Guidance for new companies entering the industry
- Project Management
- Perimeter Security
- Premises Security
- Assets and Intellectual Property
- Manned Security
- Corporate Security
- Loss of Information
- Material Loss
- Computer Security
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Major Projects
Large-scale communications and network projects which may include effective and long term energy conservation systems for multi-site application.
New Build or Refurbishment
Risk assessment design, survey, detailed design and technical specification utilising a balance of measures selected from a range of electronic, physical, surveillance, communication and lighting and the use of manned services for internal and external applications. We address budgetary factors, contractual terms and conditions, tender adjudication, contractor liaison, installation supervision, inspection and conformity to specification and BSI and industry standards, cost control, and final handover.
Security Audit
Global security audits for UK sites – evaluation of existing installations and security operations, improved methods and use of resources – personnel, systems, policies and procedures. We consider organisational implications, training needs and handbooks/procedural manuals.
We assess the existing, proposed and/or planned structure, comment on current terms and conditions and agreements. We will undertake a risk assessment and assess the effectiveness of existing measures. We then make recommendations for amended/improved or new measures, including budgetary and cost control factors. Typically this exercise will include:
- Assessment of existing, proposed or planned security requirements
- Comment on current terms and conditions and agreements
- Revision and recommendations
- Budgetary and cost control
- Cost effective use of available resources
- Business plan initiatives and formulation
- Project management programme development/control
- Inspection, conformity to specification and quality control factors
All tasks are detailed, brief defined and budgets agreed with the Client.
Guidance for Companies - New Security Products
Technical training and “hands on” experience in the security industry has led to an interest and participation in the evaluation, design, development and marketing of new security devices. An activity which has proven successful in terms of providing a qualified route for company diversification and introducing innovative products to the marketplace.
Services cover:
- Product evaluation and report
- Guidance on development
- Technical and marketing research
- Conformity to Standards
- Advice on market launch and marketing
- Comparative Pricing
- Ongoing development of the product range
This service can greatly reduce the risks inherent in new product development, shortens time scales and is therefore very cost effective.
Valuations and Acquisitions
SafeGuard also have the capability to undertake assessments, valuations and audits of security based organisations. Our capability extends to reporting on the viability of new security ventures, including technical appraisal, management and financial implications for short, medium and long term projections.
This expertise has and can aid decisions on investment, acquisition, growth and joint co-operation agreements and where genuine opportunity exists can provide a path to greater profitability, diversification and return on investment share.
Guidance for new companies entering the security industry
SafeGuard have been instrumental in assisting the entry of companies into the security market. We provide a complete business package, starting with evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of the project and an investigation of the proposed market.
Specific advice is available on staffing, training, equipment selection, police documentation and liaison, insurers’ requirements and inspectorate approval. There is considerable initial involvement in surveying, marketing, forward planning, administration and documentation, and budgeting exercises, in addition to general business and management advice.
Project Management of Design & Build,
Refurbishment Projects
We have established a successful formula for integrating the security function into major design and build or refurbishment projects. Working as part of the project management team, we design, specify and co-ordinate the total security package within an agreed budget and time scale.
Risk assessment for design purposes includes an analysis of the company history, type of business, usage, location and stated preferences. A balanced package of security measures is developed which are best suited to the particular application. Detailed specifications are prepared for each discipline. Recommendations may comprise deterrent, physical and electronic measures and other products or services designed to address the individual risk.
Services include:
- System Design/Specification Contract Terms and Conditions
- Contractor Evaluation and Advice Contractor Liaison
- Installation Monitoring Budgets and Cost Control
- Final inspection for conformity to specification, documentation, manuals and training standards
- Ongoing Audit
- Handover and commissioning
Perimeter Security
Premises Security
Access Control, intruder alarms, CCTV, physical security and locking systems, computer protection, time recording, guarding and management control systems.
Assets and Intellectual Property
Manned Security
Guidance on “in house” versus contract guard protection, reporting procedures, remote signalling, assignment instructions, schedules, selection criteria.
Corporate Security
Risk/Loss management/investigation – this can be financial, material or product related. We handle sensitive issues with discretion and provide immediate advice followed by in-depth investigation.
Loss of Information
The need for our services in this area has grown consistently over the last few years, a reflection of the times in which we live. The realisation that trust is not implicit is difficult to accept. The lack of corporate security leads to loss of market advantage and of stock market confidence and adversely affects company profitability in addition to many less obvious but damaging effects, not least of which is “in house” suspicion. This can be a sensitive area of security activity and one that we handle with discretion and regard for both management and staff. Working at senior management level, we observe total confidentiality. Prevention is better than cure.
Material Loss
Internal losses from whatever cause can represent a serious loss of revenue and can mean the difference between profit and loss – it can be insidious and widespread.
Left undiscovered or ignored, hidden losses will invariably increase.
Computer Security
We are not experts in software security, a highly specialised area, but enjoy extensive experience in the protection of hardware, premises and control of access to computer suites and buildings.
Emergency and Security Training
We are experienced in writing company handbooks and training staff in emergency and security procedures. Seminars can be arranged on or off site and instruction is objective and illustrated to emphasise the importance of the points covered. “Getting the message over” has had a considerable influence on changing attitudes and awareness of both staff and management on matters which are frequently neglected but inevitably costly when problems arise.
Why use SafeGuard Consultancy Services?
Whether the requirement is a completely integrated security system for a new complex or the evaluation and improvement of existing security, you can be confident that our knowledge and expertise coupled with our integrity and discretion will prove a successful formula.
Our pledge to you
SafeGuard Security Consultants is a fully independent consultancy, committed to providing specialist guidance, advice and support to the highest standards of excellence.